

Heartwarming Reunion: Shelter’s “Loudest” Dog Finds Peace with Waiting Dad

Goose, a hound dog with a unique and distinctive honking cry, has faced numerous upheavals in his life. From experiencing homelessness on ...

Man Takes In A Stray Dog With Very Little Fur And A Big Belly

A rescuer named Aaron came across this little dog with hardly any hair left, but she had a big belly. She looked up at him with those big ...

Dog Being Chased By Angry Bear Sees No Escape, Panicked Owners Freeze In Fear

Norwegian Elkhounds are well known hunting companions because of their great tracking speed and quick thinking brains. One group of friend...

Appreciative Dog About To Be Euthanized, Blesses His Comfort Pack With His Paw

A shelter dog sat in his kennel alone and afraid. The video explains, “Basically, by close of business that day, if he didn’t have a tag, ...

Heartwarming Celebration: Shelter Employees Throw a Special Party for Unadoptable Senior Dog

Learn about Loco, an elderly dog residing at the Spartanburg Humane Society shelter for an extended period. The compassionate shelter staf...




