My sweet Daphne is my best friend
My sweet Daphne is my best friend. I'm also her best friend and I know that because she picked me. Eleven years ago, I noticed a cat under the glider swing in my front yard. She had a flea collar on so I figured she belonged to someone. Three days later I noticed she was still there and took some food out to her. It was ferret food, because that's all I had at the time. I set it down and she came out to eat. As I started to walk away, she reached out her paw and touched my ankle. She had me at hello.
By the end of the week, it was starting to rain and it didn't look like anyone was going to let her come inside. I opened my front door and in she went. She was covered in fleas, so I immediately took care of that problem. She had never used a litterbox, so we worked on that issue too. But from the instant she came into my house she came into my heart. From the very beginning and to this day, she has always snuggled in my arm on the couch when we finally settle down for the evening for a little tv before going to bed. I later discovered that she had been abandoned by someone who just moved out and left her. They have no idea what they gave up.