I was surprised one day when my neighbor showed up at my front door asking...
I was surprised one day when my neighbor showed up at my front door asking if one of my cats had gotten out. I had two at the time. I knew they hadn't and was puzzled why she asked. She told me that there was a cat over by her house crying and she thought it might be one of mine.
We left it there and I didn't really think about it again until I stepped out my back door. Sure enough, there was a kitty crying and it sounded absolutely desperate. I couldn't ignore it.
I went out the front door and walked over to my neighbor's house. All it took was one "Here kitty, kitty..." and the next thing I knew a large orange cat came racing around the corner of the house and literally threw itself into my arms. He almost knocked me off my feet he hit so hard.
He grabbed on to my shirt and started crying again. Any cat that desperate needed to come in. I just hugged him and took Ginger in. My other cats weren't too thrilled at first but now he's just one of the gang.
I found out later that people on the next street over were seen moving out. They took their cat furniture but apparently not their cat. He had been an indoor cat and they just dumped him out. No wonder he was so desperate. He won't have to worry about that ever again.