

High Schooler’s Cat Becomes Prom Royalty!


Cat enthusiasts often wear their affection for their furry friends like a badge of honor, and Sam Steingard is no exception when it comes to his cherished family cat, Ruby.

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Ruby, a 10-year-old feline, has been Sam’s loyal companion for many years. When the prom came around and Sam was without a date, Ruby naturally became his plus-one for a night filled with glamour and festivities.

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The duo’s prom photo quickly captured hearts across social media, with Ruby showing an unmistakable affection for Sam. Sam’s mother, Joann, played a pivotal role in their prom preparation, selecting Sam’s tuxedo and Ruby’s “dress and sparkly collar,” as told by Sam’s sister, Caroline, to LoveMeow.
This photo sparked a flurry of memes, delighting the internet with their charm. Do you recall these?

prom cat meme
Skip Morazi/Pinterest

Or perhaps this one?


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Ruby’s Endless Affection

Described as the sweetest cat by her family, Ruby has shared a special bond with Sam and Caroline since their younger days. Caroline reminisced about how Ruby would accompany her to school and then make her way back home alone, ready to greet her after school.

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Named after the restaurant behind which she was found, Ruby has been a source of joy and purrs for her family. Her loving nature extends beyond the household, charming neighbors during her outdoor adventures.

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However, her bond with Sam is particularly strong.
“Ruby adores Sam because he speaks to her with a gentle tone and occasionally treats her,” Caroline explained.

You rescued meow... a stray cat... here's my meowssage to you...

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Continuing Family Visits

Now that Sam and Caroline are in college, they still make it a point to visit Ruby. During one summer break, Sam crafted a simple yet beloved cat fort for Ruby, which she prefers over a pricey heated bed, Caroline shared.

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The devotion Sam has for Ruby is clear for all to see. It’s rare to find a guy so attached to his cat that he’d bring her to prom. And though there were likely many stunning attendees, Ruby, in Sam’s arms, surely shone the brightest.

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